Building a Broadcast Booth


While building a booth will vary based on your situation and location, here is a standard set-up when it comes to your sports audio booth. Gather supplies Connect to boxes Connect to talkback Connect to headset Dress mult cable Plug mic cables into mult box Plug in IFB to mult box Set up TOC Set

Building a Broadcast Booth2023-02-15T16:26:21-05:00

Camera Positions and Assignments for Volleyball


  Camera 1 - Game Follow Wide shot that will keep approximately ½ to ⅔ of the court in frame.  A wide shot that will provide general coverage of the gameplay. Camera 2 - Tight Follow Tight head-to-toe shot of the player serving the ball.  During action, will follow the action as the ball goes

Camera Positions and Assignments for Volleyball2023-02-15T16:23:32-05:00

Camera Positions and Assignments for Baseball/Softball


Camera 1 - High Home Responsible for following the ball in play.  Will typically frame to include both the pitcher, batter, and any on-base runners.  Once the ball is hit, will zoom to where the ball will land and then follows the ball until the pitcher gets it back. Camera 2 - Low Home Primary

Camera Positions and Assignments for Baseball/Softball2023-02-15T16:21:38-05:00

Camera Positions and Assignments for Basketball


Camera 1 - Game Follow Wide shot that will keep approximately ⅓ of the court in frame.  A wide shot that will provide general coverage of the gameplay. Camera 2 - Tight Follow Tight head-to-toe shot of the player with the ball and the closest defender.  Will follow the player at fault after a foul. 

Camera Positions and Assignments for Basketball2024-01-22T13:31:08-05:00

Camera Positions and Assignments for Soccer/Field Hockey/Lacrosse


Camera 1 - Game Follow Wide shot that will keep between 25% and 50% of the field in frame. A wide shot that will provide general coverage of the gameplay. Camera 2 - Tight Follow Tight head-to-toe shot of the player with the ball and 1-2 closest defenders. Will follow the player at fault

Camera Positions and Assignments for Soccer/Field Hockey/Lacrosse2023-07-12T16:50:01-04:00

Camera Positions and Assignments for Football


Game/Tight Side by Side Game/Tight Split Camera 1 - Game Follow Wide coverage of the game play. Typically starts wide enough to see all players on the line of scrimmage, then will push in to the action as it develops. Never should go close enough to be considered a close up. Typically wide enough to

Camera Positions and Assignments for Football2023-07-12T16:49:31-04:00

Identifying Different Types of On-Air Graphics


There are a variety of different graphics used in any video production. From a simple logo, to score bug pulling data directly from a scoreboard, to a full page graphic, nearly every video produced today uses tens if not hundreds of graphics to add factoids and other pertinent information to the show. The machines that

Identifying Different Types of On-Air Graphics2023-07-11T15:57:54-04:00

Identifying Cables


Audio Cables   DT-12 A 12-channel audio snake. Most commonly used when it is necessary to run many audio cables to one central location, before splitting them out to various locations. __________________________________ XLR Most typically a 3-pin connector. It is primarily used to transmit microphone or balanced line-level audio signals. Note that there are also

Identifying Cables2023-05-17T16:03:16-04:00

Live Production Etiquette


Whether you are a young professional, brand new to the broadcast industry, or a veteran with hundreds of hours of experience, there are standards which we are all held to. Following proper etiquette keeps the clients happy, our crew safe, and our equipment operating to the best of its ability. Below is a list

Live Production Etiquette2023-12-04T13:25:21-05:00
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