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ENG Shoot VS Truck Shoot
ENG Shoot
Incredibly simple but gets the job done.
- ENG = “Electronic News Gathering”
- Collecting raw and unedited video.
- Usually storing video onto a card or broadcasting through a wireless medium.
- One man camera crew.
- Best used for interviews and color shots.
- Video and Audio is edited in post production.
- Simple “On the Fly” Shoots.
- Camera operator is responsible for every aspect of the shoot including video, audio, shading, lighting, etc.

Truck Shoot
Much better production quality but much more complex.
- Multiple Cameras and operators.
- Most cameras have a hardline connection to the truck.
- Requires many in truck positions, including a Director, TD, A1, V1, and an Engineer.
- All video is taken into the truck while being cut in real time through a switcher.
- Several hours dedicated to set up and troubleshooting.
- Audio can be adjusted in real time through a mixer.
- Shading is also adjusted in real time through RCP’s.(Remote Control Panel)
- Best used in live sports or other multi camera productions.
- Can produce “on-air” graphics and even do official replay.

Alex Speidel2024-02-15T10:43:44-05:00
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