In the picture below you can see “XA17x7.6BRM-M58B” printed on the label. We refer to this lens as a 17x. All broadcast lenses will have a # with an x printed on the side. The x denotes the amount of magnification available through that lens.

On Classic trucks we refer to any 26x or smaller lens as an ENG lens. These lenses are typically used for handheld, studio builds, on stage builds or game follow cameras.

On Classic trucks we refer to our 42x lens as a sports lens. These lenses require a Sachler tripod and a special sled to hold the extra weight of the lens. These lenses are often used for high end-zone and back of house cameras.

The last type of broadcast lens that we use is the box lens. On classic trucks this would be any box shaped lens ranging from 50x to 88x. These lenses are used in our end-zone, slash and tight follow positions. Each box lens has a slightly different build but they all require a Cartoni tripod and a specific sled. It is very important to build these lenses with another person who is also knowledgeable about the specifics of the build.